the thing is, what if people log on at the same time,
and everyone is using temp?  might it get the wrong

--- Michael Lueck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 3 Jul 2005 11:27:19 -0700 (PDT), John H.
> wrote:
> AMEN to no roaming profiles! I disable them blasted
> things in my environment.
> Electronic Software Distribution makes sure each
> physical computer has the
> software and configurations on it which it is
> required to have. Local profiles
> and users storing files in home dirs are mobile
> enough.
> >ipconfig >"%userprofile%\ipconfig.txt"
> but........ I will still probably stick this in
> %temp% though. ;-) Clean up
> after yourself too.
> Then full path where findstr, xcopy, etc... are else
> it asks the server for
> each of them.
> I take a clean box (without things installed which
> MAY have updated the env
> vars) and run a simple logon script which runs "SET
> > C:\vars.txt" and thus I
> end up with a list of the vars available on systems.
> There is usually one
> pointed at ...\System32 which will help you get
> things like XCopy directly, yet
> support Windows being on different drive letters.
> Pretty good duct tape in my opinion!
> Michael Lueck
> Lueck Data Systems

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