

I currently have deadtime = 15 in my smb.conf.  This featured worked good to
disconnect clients that have been idle for > 15 minutes in the past.  With
the 3.0.13 version, it seems to do nothing.  As in, it just keeps the user
connected indefinitely. 


Here is what I see when no one is currently at the office and everyone is
logged off their computer.




[EMAIL PROTECTED] p]# smbstatus


Samba version 3.0.13

PID     Username      Group         Machine                        


30929   annie    gna           gna1         (

20848   scott         ops           tech5        (

19045   deedee      gna           gna2         (

20848   scott         ops           tech5        (

30575   ed          sales         gna7         (

24569   lee        ops           tech4        (

24569   lee        ops           tech4        (

22741   ken       ops           tech2        (

22741   ken       ops           tech2        (

 4456   roa        admin         gna8         (

19045   deedee      gna           gna2         (

19435   ralph     ops           tech1        (

30929   annie    gna           gna1         (

30575   ed          sales         gna7         (


Service      pid     machine       Connected at


IPC$         24569   tech4         Wed Jul  6 09:26:47 2005

IPC$         19045   gna2          Wed Jul  6 11:34:13 2005

IPC$         22741   tech2         Thu Jun 23 07:53:11 2005

IPC$         30929   gna1          Tue Jul  5 14:59:59 2005

Intranet      4456   gna8          Tue Jul  5 11:47:09 2005

deedee     19045   gna2          Wed Jul  6 08:12:04 2005

IPC$         19045   gna2          Tue Jul  5 09:54:10 2005

IPC$         30575   gna7          Fri Jul  1 13:24:03 2005

IPC$         22741   tech2         Wed Jul  6 09:00:20 2005

IPC$         19435   tech1         Wed Jun 22 15:28:52 2005

IPC$         29941   firesafe      Wed Jul  6 12:57:52 2005

Lemon    4456   gna8          Tue Jul  5 08:57:26 2005

Ops          19435   tech1         Wed Jun 29 20:28:57 2005

IPC$         24569   tech4         Fri Jun 17 10:49:16 2005

IPC$          4456   gna8          Tue Jul  5 08:50:30 2005

IPC$         20848   tech5         Wed Jul  6 13:13:46 2005

IPC$         30575   gna7          Wed Jul  6 12:51:04 2005

IPC$         20848   tech5         Thu Jun 30 08:15:54 2005

IPC$         30929   gna1          Fri Jul  1 12:45:32 2005



Thanks for the help!

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