Some things to try:

1. Delete any mapped drives to shares that are no longer accessible on the network. 2. In "My Network Places" delete any cached shortcuts to shares that are no longer accessible on the network.
3. Do the same for shortcuts on the desktop.
4. Using the registry editor, navigate to the following key:
Delete any subkeys that refer to shares or servers that are no longer accessible on the network.

Then, restart the computer and test.

I've experienced that the presence of these stale connections and shortcuts can cause slowness of the system. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the presence or absence of a Samba server, as I've seen the behaviour in both Windows and Novell-Windows hybrid environments. Removing these stale connections seems to improve performance.

--Jonathan Johnson

Steve Franks (Cheltenham) wrote:

On W98 or W2K PC, the first time I open a Word document on a Samba drive it 
takes about 20secs, thereafter about 2 secs. Running on HP9000 K380 HP-UX 
10.20, Samba version must be 6 years old at least.

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