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On Sat, 16 Jul 2005 16:28:46 -0600 John H Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> See the book: Samba-3 by Example, Chapter 8.

Got it, read it.  Yet again, it clarified a lot for me.  Thanks.

> If this information is not sufficient please email me.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that it is insufficient.  The Samba
documentation has been quite informative.  Through it, I have reached an
understanding of SMB/NetBIOS protocols that I never though possible.  So
I, for one, very much appreciate the level of depth that it reaches.

More to the point, I think that it simply does not touch on my problem
(described in more depth below).

On Sat, 16 Jul 2005 17:16:04 -0600 John H Terpstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes. The Samba domain SID is derived from the workgroup (domain) name.

... as detailed in paragraph 6 of the "Security Identifiers (SIDs)"
subsection of "Cautions and Notes" in the aforementioned chapter:

           The SID is generated in a nondeterminative manner. This means
           that each time it is generated for a particular combination
           of machine name (hostname) and domain name (workgroup), it
           will be different.

Thanks again.

> Workstations only care about the domain SID. The document I pointed you 
> towards explains in detail how to migrate systems, and/or change the domain 
> name.

This is somewhat confusing.  Under the "Change of hostname" subsection
of "Cautions and Notes," it clearly states that if a PDC's hostname
changes, the domain SID will also change.

However, in the paragraph just above that subsection, it states that the
"profiles" utility could be used to remedy non-functional roaming
profiles in the event that the domain SID were changed.

So, according to the Samba documentation, if I were to change both the
hostname and domain name of my PDC, I would wind up with a new domain
SID but my roaming profiles could be repaired to work under this new
domain.  But based on my experiences with NetBIOS domains, I expect to
have to re-join every machine to that new domain.

So what I'm really after are tools that could assist in re-joining these
workstations to their new domain.  In this particular instance, I will
need to do everything remotely.  VNC is a definite possibility, but
rather than doing this with each workstation individually, I would much
rather automate the process.

Thanks for the pointers and the very well-written documentation.  Keep
up the good work, John.

- -- 
Anthony Chavez                                 http://anthonychavez.org/
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