
This is driving me nuts!!

Ok, this is a home network, so not many machines!

I HAD 1 windows XP machine with local profiles for everyone - worked fine.

I have now installed a linux box with SAMBA on it and I have 3 desktop PCs.

I have set up roaming profiles (I think) correctly according to the How-To
book. I initially had some trouble getting the local profiels moved to the
server, but I don't think that's the issue now.

Anyway, what happens is this:--

Log in to Machine A. Everything works fine, the various profile files seem
to go to the server, things like the re-direction of My Documents works
etc. etc.

Log in to Machine B and only SOME of the profile seems to work. The
desktop wallpaper doesn't appear, the desktop icons are most "unknown"
icon, but other bits DO work (for example desktop items are ther ane My
Documents is still redirected.

Go back to Machine A and everything is still fine.

Back on Machine B, set up everything as I want it.

Now Machine B works, but Machine A doesn't!!!

It can't be a rights thing because the files get created ok from either
machine. I tried copying the local profile up to make it a roaming one and
changed the security to allow the domain user to use it and it STILL does

Can anyone help??

LFS 6.0



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