On Mon, 2005-08-08 at 22:01 +0800, Vincente Aggrippino wrote:
> Ok... I'm really stumped.  I have checked thoroughly.  I've performed
> all of the steps in the checklist from the HowTo... except for the
> nmblookup parts.  The arguments to nmblookup seem to be based on an
> old version.  I'm hoping someone will have an idea.  Here's the whole
> situation...
> Server:
> Fedora Core 3
> Linux myserver 2.6.11-1.35_FC3 #1 Mon Jun 13 00:52:08 EDT 2005 i686
> i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> Samba v3.0.14a latest Fedora RPM available downloaded from samba.org today
> -----
> Client:
> Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 2
> Firewall disabled
> Workgroup name: HOME
> -----
> smb.conf:
> # Samba config file created using SWAT
> # from (
> # Date: 2005/08/08 14:03:44
> # Global parameters
> [global]
>     workgroup = HOME
>     server string = home.aggrippino.com
>     security = SHARE
>     guest account = testsmb
>     username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
>     log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
>     hosts allow = 192.168.1.
> [tmp]
>     comment = temporary files
>     path = /tmp
>     guest ok = Yes
> [homes]
>     read only = No
>     guest ok = Yes
> -----
> I created a new user named testsmb on both the server and the client
> for the purpose of testing this setup.  The password is the same.
> -----
> On the client, if I try to "View Workgroup Computers", there is a long
> delay, then it tells me the following:
> Home is not accessible.  You might not have permission to use this
> network resource.  Contact the administrator of this server to find
> out if you have access permissions.
> The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available.
> -----
> I have the server host resolution in the WinXP hosts file.
> Ping works perfectly from the client to the server.
> -----
> I have the client host resolution in /etc/hosts.
> Ping works perfectly from the server to the client.
> -----
> >From the command prompt on the client, the command "net view \\home"
> returns the following after a long delay.  I have the same result when
> I use the IP address.  I get the same result if I try to use a
> specific resource.  i.e.: "net use x: \\home\tmp" ...
> System error 53 has occurred.
> The network path was not found.
> ----
> On the server, I have issued the command "smbpasswd -a testsmb" and
> typed the same password as used by the Linux user ID and by the WinXP
> user ID.  I've also issued the command "smbpasswd -e testsmb".  I've
> stopped and re-started the samba daemons.  I've rebooted the client.
> -----
> I know it's not my gateway/firewall/router because because I also use
> a vmware virtual machine with WinXP Pro and some shares.  The shares
> from the virtual machine on the same physical server are normal on the
> client.  Incidentally, the virtual machine can't see the server's
> shares either.  However, vmware employs some version of samba
> internally and that works perfectly between the server and the VM.
> I don't run ipchains or iptables.
> -----
> I must be configuring something wrong.  vmware uses Samba for it's
> sharing and that works fine.  The network is working fine.  Otherwise
> the VMs shares wouldn't be available.
> I'll be very grateful to anyone with a solution.
add to smb.conf

wins support = true

restart smbd/nmbd daemons

You need the ability to resolve the name...


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