OK - You are clearly feeling your way. Why try to be a motor mechanic before 
you can even drive the car?

The Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide is the mechanic's reference manual!
You need the book that demonstrates how to drive the car! I strongly suggest 
that you refer to my book "Samba-3 by Example" - this book contains a series 
of networks (one of which is sure to suit your needs) with clear, 
step-by-step instructions to help you to deploy Samba-3. 

You will find it easier to deal with performing brain-surgery after you have 
mastered a tonsilectomy!

If you work your way through each of the chapters in "Samba-3 by Example" you 
will find that the information in the HOWTO will make much more sense to you.

You can obtain the PDF on-line from:


Some time early in September you will be able to purchase the dead-tree 
(printed) version.

John T.

On Saturday 13 August 2005 20:50, Moondance Foxmarnick wrote:
> Mr. Terpstra,
> Okay-- I downloaded your current version from the link you posted - and
> perhaps I did something incorrectly, because your first reference, Chapter
> 4, begins on page 55 in my PDF version and the quote is located on 57. So
> I'm afraid we are still not looking at the same version, however I did find
> the quote.
> In the book, of course, the only reference towards RID from the index is
> located in Chapter 11 - Group Mapping.
> The quote is helpful to me, I did find it in the book (something I did not
> read as I didn't need to be "sold" on the concept and so passed over
> "Feature and Benefits") - but to make sure I "get" it I would like to
> re-state it in my network terms. My network being a simplistic one - SAMBA
> is PDC and XPs are all clients; no sub-nets.
> So since my Win or AD Domain is actually SAMBA, what you're saying is that
> when I perform a smbpasswd -a xxusernamexx SAMBA creates an unique SID +
> RID for the user that is mapped to the *nix backend (whatever I chose for
> the PAM).
> And just 3 digits (the RID) indicate (for XP clients) which user belonging
> to which group for the Domain. What about users that belong to multiple
> groups?
> << If you follow the guidelines I documented you should not ever need to
> mess with the RIDs. That's the whole point of following standardized
> procedures as shown in the documentation.>>
> Well, except that it would seem from Chapter 11, Group Mapping - MS Windows
> and UNIX, that we _do_ have to mess with it; if I want stratified user
> privileges at any rate. I want all users in my "students" group on Fedora
> to have nothing more than "Domain Users" privileges. When I log on - I want
> "Domain Administrator" privileges. How is this not messing with the RIDs?
> However, now I'm questioning that I need this. These are not XP "local"
> privileges. Being "Domain Administrator" on an XP client will not allow me
> to install programs like the "Administrator" group that is local to the XP
> client, right? Currently it would seem only useful in a mixed environment -
> or for workers that are only trained in using MS domain management tools.
> I need to re-read Chapter 11. In section 11.2 (Discussion) it would seem I
> do in order to use ACLs. But then in section 11.4.1, it would seem not. I'm
> less confused about RIDs, but still uncertain whether I need groupmap or
> not.
> Right now all the output of my groupmap list reads out to -1. Whenever my
> clients log in, I get the results I want but a warning in the logs that "NT
> doesn't like that!" when the GID is resolved. I assumed that groupmapping
> was at fault. I'm building a new server (oddly, we need more than 40Gb
> space..) and wanted to correct some implementation mistakes as well as
> upgrade.
> << Now that I have explained it, is this any clearer? If it is, please
> help me by rewriting or ammending the documentation to remove the
> confusion.>>
> It is certainly clearer. I think eventually I could contribute, but first I
> need to study the PDF to see if it has changed significantly from the book
> - especially Chapter 11 as that seems to be turning my brain inside out at
> the moment. I feel as if I'm just on the verge of having it gel, but I just
> keep missing something. I'm the How-to document's worst nightmare - I don't
> know Windows Domain networking _or_ *Nix networking.
> So what seems like a simple statement: << Samba allows the administrator to
> create MS Windows NT4/200x group accounts and to arbitrarily associate them
> with UNIX/Linux group accounts >> (11.1 Features and Benefits) means that I
> read it and think: "Why do I want this?" and what is winbindd (mentioned in
> the next paragraph)? So off I go to see if I should be running winbindd
> (no, I don't have an NT server). You begin to get the picture.
> I do feel strongly that if RIDs are still the subject of discussion in
> Chapter 11 - then the information in Chapter 4 that you quoted should be
> repeated there. It would have saved me a lot of time, but would have not
> prevented this post.
> Overall I'm happy and enthusiastic. After all, thanks to the books - I've
> been running a SAMBA PDC with hidden and open shares and multiple groups et
> all for a smidge over a year now with nary a complaint from an end user and
> nothing but happy noises from upper Admin. for giving them more control
> with out significant co$t. I'm certainly not going to hang out a shingle
> anytime soon claiming to be a SAMBA whiz, but you gotta start somewhere.
> Thank you,
> -Moondance
> P.S.
> <<    > Then on 154 it is stressed that under no circumstances should your
> *nix groups or users trod on window's assigned RIDs for Domain Admins,
> Domian Users, et. all. Another example of groupmap - oh look it lists a
> RID?>
> Please explain. What is your point now?>>
> Just that in the book the net groupmap command now had a RID modifier,
> where on the previous page it did not. I'm assuming from what I've read,
> that to map groups - you need this. As you said the previous example was
> missing the RID modifier.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John H Terpstra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2005 4:48 PM
> To: samba@lists.samba.org
> Cc: Moondance Foxmarnick
> Subject: Re: [Samba] SIDs and UIDs and RIDs - Oh My!
> OK - I'll bite!
> Clearly you have read the documentation I have written and find it
> deficient.
> That's OK! Now, will you help me to  fix the deficiency please?
> I need your help to make the documentation more useful.
> Below is my side of this challenge you have issued. Please help me over my
> myopia.
> On Saturday 13 August 2005 18:00, Moondance Foxmarnick wrote:
> > I'm trying to grasp pg. 154 of the "Official SAMBA-3" book by Terpstra
> > and Vernooij and I'm just missing a critical networking concept.
> Good. Let's fix this now.
> I presume that we are talking about the current version of this book.
> Right? Here's the URL:
>       http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/Samba3-HOWTO.pdf
> If this is NOT the version you checked, please let me know precisely the
> from which you obtained this and the creation date so I can refer to the
> same
> document as you have.
> > I understand that SIDs are the numerical identification of a user for the
> > Windows world.
> Correct. I checked the index for RID. The first reference is in section 4.1
> (page 46 in my build) where it says:
> <quote>
> A domain provides a unique network security identifier (SID). Domain user
> and
> group security identifiers are comprised of the network SID plus a relative
> identifier (RID) that is unique to the account. User and group SIDs (the
> network SID plus the RID) can be used to create access control lists (ACLs)
> attached to network resources to provide organizational access control.
> systems recognize only local security identifiers.
> </quote>
> So from this it might be interpreted that each Windows account has a unique
> RID, just as a UNIX user has a unique UID. Every Windows machine and every
> Windows security domain has a unique SID. A user SID is made up of the
> machine or domain SID and is catenated with a RID.
> If that is not your interpretation please help me to understand the source
> of
> confusion in the quoted section.
> > I understand that UIDs are the equivalent for the *nix world.
> A user account that has been created on a Windows workstation will have a
> locally assigned RID. If an account is created in a Windows NT4 or Active
> Directory Domain it will be allocated a unique RID within that security
> context.
> > But what the @[EMAIL PROTECTED] is a Relative IDentifier (RID)?!?
> A RID is like a UID or a GID. Where UNIX has separate IDs for users and
> groups, Windows has just one - the RID.
> But the workstation referred to above has its SID. Every Windows
> workstation
> has a unique SID. Every Windows NT4 or ADS domain has a SID also.
> A user SID is made up of the SID of the security context within which it is
> created plus the RID.
> A SID looks like this:
>       S-1-5-21-11009899-23411980-22115678
> If the user RID within the context of that SID has the value 879, then the
> user SID will be:
>       S-1-5-21-11009899-23411980-22115678-879
> > On page 153 the command to map a windows group to a *nix group - no
> mention
> > of RIDs.
> Sorry. I really goofed on that didn't I!
> > Then on 154 it is stressed that under no circumstances should your *nix
> > groups or users trod on window's assigned RIDs for Domain Admins, Domian
> > Users, et. all. Another example of groupmap - oh look it lists a RID?
> Please explain. What is your point now?
> > No mention as to where a RID comes from or can be viewed.
> Really? I believe that is was in fact covered in section 4.1 - but if that
> is
> not good enough please give me suggested text and a place you would like to
> see it located within the document (by section number please - not by page
> number).
> > Do they mean that I can't have a user in Fedora that is 500?
> Sheesh! Really not clear is it! UIDs are mapped to RIDs.
> Since Windows allocates RIDs sequentially for users, groups and for trust
> accounts we have to provide a way of mapping all UNIX users to a RID that
> is
> absolutely unique. So Samba does algorithmic mapping. The RIDs are
> calculated
> like this:
>       User_RID = UID * 2 + 1000
>       Group_RID = GID * 2 + 1001
> That means that a UID of 500 will produce a RID of 2000.
> > Isn't that a UID?
> No! I think I have clarified that.
> > Is a UID a RID?
> No. A UID is a UNIX identifier. A RID is a Windows identifier. Samba
> provides
> means to map them, but you can override the algorithmic mapping using the
> pdbedit and the net utilities. If you do override the mapping, just make
> sure
> you get no overlap between Windows user and group RIDs.
> > I've used Fedora for a year now and have never typed a  RID modifying
> > command.
> That is not a crime. No penalty is due. Most admins never need to mess with
> RIDs. If you follow the guidelines I documented you should not ever need to
> mess with the RIDs. That's the whole point of following standardized
> procedures as shown in the documentation.
> > I'm sure this is just so basic. But I don't know it and can't find it and
> > it's critical to understand it.
> Right. Now that I have explained it, is this any clearer? If it is, please
> help me by rewriting or ammending the documentation to remove the
> confusion.
> When can I expect your patch, documentation update submission or a detailed
> bug report on https://bugzilla.samba.org to help get this straightened out?
> - John T.
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