Pau Garcia i Quiles wrote:

The problem was I had "invalid users = root" in my smb.conf (this comes by
default in Debian). I just commmented that line and the problem disappeared.

They do that by DEFAULT now?!?!? aaaaaa, at least when I came up with the core of our Samba config standard a year and a quarter ago, that spells death for getting the M$ Add Printer Wizard driver upload to work properly... at least that is what I remember the affect being. Though no person in their right mind would log in to a Windows box as an ID "root" expecting it to be a domain account, thus it "should" be safe to set that user as invalid, it seemed to really do some evil things to Samba's internal security thinking.

Samba folks, feel free to correct me if I am all wet about setting root as an 
invalid user. Personally I would lean towards that setting Debian is said to be 

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

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