I've been having troubles with roaming profiles too. I have faced some of
the same problems as you and will try some of your solutions. FWIW, this
may help:-

> Problems:
> 1) After logging in, the default profile seems to be setup correctly.
> However I have set a custom wallpaper which is located in c:\windows in
> the
> local machine. After logging in the wallpaper is not there. The only way
> to
> make it work is right click on the desktop, properties, and open the
> desktop
> tab. After doing that (I don't even have to click on the wallpaper entry
> in
> the list, let alone browse for it, it's already there), that is just
> clicking on the desktop tab (I really felt I had to stress this), the
> wallpaper gets loaded in the preview section of the window. Just pressing
> ok, or apply will render it properly on screen. I just cannot understand
> what is the reason why it wasn't set in the first place!

Is it a JPEG? If so, try a BMP instead (convert the picture if you need
to). I've found that JPEG wallpapers don't seem to roam.

> 2) Desktop.ini files are hidden. Well except one! When I click on the My
> Documents folder (which is redirected to /home/%U on the linux box running
> the samba service) there's a desktop.ini file in all its glory! I
> right-clicked on it and opened the properties window, where the hidden
> option is unselected. I selected it, clicked on OK and the file is still
> there. I opened the properties window again only to find out that the
> hidden
> check box is still off... Any ideas?

Hummm, I'm going to try your solution too. At the moment, I have the
following in each share:-

       hide files = /DESKTOP.INI/desktop.ini/Desktop.ini/

Seems to work... (I also hide Maildir on the Home share)

> 3) On logging off I get this annoying synchronization thing. I would
> consider it to be normal if it didn't take such a long time! The thing is
> even if I logon locally, as Administrator and then log out again, it also
> popups trying to synchronize all roaming users who have logged on to date
> on
> that computer (users who have a c:\documents and settings profile on disk
> I
> presumed...). At a certain point it prompts for a username and password.
> No
> matter what I provide, it fails. I've read on the net that many people
> disable synchronization but should I? The thing is I don't understand how
> it
> really works. With roaming profiles on, (but without my documents
> redirection) never had any such window popped up (synchronization)

I've disabled it, yes. It's handy for laptops, but I've redirected all the
local stuff to the network anyway (so if sync is on, it's syncing one
network location with another). AFAIK it's the big directories (like My
Docs) that use sync. The other stuff (like Faves etc.) is copied as part
of the profile when you log out ("Saving your settings").

> I'm really desperate so any help would be greatly appreciated,

I hope that my ramblings are of some assistance :-)


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