Pau Garcia i Quiles schrieb:

I am running Samba 3.0.14a under Debian Sarge with a LDAP backend (OpenLDAP)
following the IdealX guide. I am using smbldap-tools, too.

Everything seems to work fine, except when I try a machine to join the domain:
Windows XP SP2 says it cannot find the user. I have tried joining the domain
with a domain user account and with a domain administrator account, but it does
not work anyway.

it should be the domain admin account, not the user.

try the following:

1) set the log level to 3 and see the logs for a given machinename when you are adding it

2) use the "add machine script" from the command line (smbldap-useradd -w testname$), and see if it gets added (getent passwd; it should be at the end)

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