On Thursday 22 September 2005 14:21, Gary Dale wrote:
> Not really. I've been to the various Samba-LDAP howtos and there is a
> lot of outdated or irrelevant information in them. Too many sites seem
> to think that you need to know how to compile the sources while others
> don't recognize that we're not running Redhat 9.x. I've yet to find one
> that says "these are the packages you need and here's how they interact
> with one another". Everyone I've found seems to assume that you're
> running the same system the same way they are.
> I've been through the Samba 3 book from cover to cover - try doing that
> without ample doses of caffeine! - but there seems to be important
> details missing. There is no howto that really takes you through the
> various steps of setting up Samba and LDAP together and get them
> talking, at least as far as I've found, and at least for Debian.
> My last attempt failed, as I recall, because LDAP seemed to asking for
> an encrypted connection.

Please let me know what fails for you in chapter 5 of the book "Samba-3 by 
Example" - I'd love to fix it with your assistance.

- John T.

> Nathan Vidican wrote:
> >The samba how-to's a good place to start, however... if you're just
> > looking to learn and understand things better, then I'd suggest a
> > read-through on the OpenLDAP.org site as well. Hate to puch you away with
> > a 'RTFM' reply... but it is kinda what you were asking for.
> >
> >On Thursday 22 September 2005 14:16, Gary Dale wrote:
> >>Does anyone know of a good Samba-LDAP howto for Debian (Sarge) systems?
> >>I probably don't need it for my home network, but I'd like to learn how
> >>to do it anyway. My previous attempts to get it working have failed. :(
> >
> >--
> >Nathan Vidican
> >Windsor Match Plate & Tool Ltd.
> >http://www.wmptl.com/

John H Terpstra
Samba-Team Member
Phone: +1 (650) 580-8668

The Official Samba-3 HOWTO & Reference Guide, 2 Ed., ISBN: 0131882228
Samba-3 by Example, 2 Ed., ISBN: 0131882221X
Hardening Linux, ISBN: 0072254971
Other books in production.
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