BTW: The reason you're having such trouble with this set up
is that having a Windows domain consisting of numeric user id's
is an unusual setup. Most people don't set things up this way.

Just a side note, now that this works.
I fully agree that using fully numeric usernames is a bad thing, believe me, I didn't do it, it's been this way here for many years. But the windows stuff is handled by a different department, and we (on the unix side) have no say, we just have to work with the fallout.

We should still work in this environment (once there is a correct
mapping in place) but this is why you're having a lot of problems.

Yep, as demonstrated, the format of the username map needs to be:

<unix user> = <DOMAIN\Windows User>

and a small note for others: Watch the "\" it NEEDS to be a back slash.
don't ask how I know. ;)


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