Hello everybody,

I was installed a lot of PDC under Linux Debian, here in my country, but
i have a requirement from a client who wish to install a Primary Domain
Controller with at least 30 Windows NT Backup domain controllers in all
regions of his organization. I'll like to know if it is possible and
where i find more information about a possible solution for this.

Best Regards to all in the community,


* --------------------------------------------------------------
Luis Felipe Osses Lopez*
/Departamento de Tecnología/
*Consultores Micorp, C.A. * - http://www.micorp.com.ve
Av. Lecuna, Torre Tajamar, Nivel Oficina 2, Oficina Nº 208,
Caracas, Venezuela
Teléfono: (58-212) 577.10.45 / 577.74.45
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