Upgraded to samba-3.0.20b and it's working fine now.

I've noticed that, when I add / remove someone to / from the group
"internet", which in my case is the one I give internet access, it is
taking a while for the user appear / be removed in the group, when I do
getent group the user only appears after a while, more or less 10
minutes. Is there a setting or something in which it updates quicker??

Thanks in advance,


On Fri, 2005-10-14 at 10:14 -0300, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Andre Fernando Goldacker escreveu:
> [...]
> > wbinfo -n 'EARTH\testgroup'
> > Could not lookup name EARTH\testgroup
> > I think that's the reason why my squid can't match users / groups.
> > My winbind log file reports me the following lines when I try to 
> > match user/group from squid:
> > [2005/10/13 16:46:48, 0] lib/util_sid.c:string_to_sid(301)
> >   string_to_sid: Sid Could not lookup name internet does not start 
> > with 'S-'.
> > [2005/10/13 16:46:48, 1]
> > nsswitch/winbindd_sid.c:winbindd_sid_to_gid(241)
> >   Could not cvt string to sid Could not lookup name internet
> > Any clues why I can lookup users, but not goups?
> > My AD has about 1100 users and 150 groups.
> > Any help will be much appreciated,
>       Never saw this problem before, but looking at the logs,
> looks like your group entry does not have the proper field set,
> or the field is not right, in other words, it does not start
> with a "S-" like all the SID's.
>       It is not much help, but perhaps could be a start,
> good luck! Kind regards,
> - --
> //////////
> // Felipe Augusto van de Wiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> // http://www.paranacidade.org.br/
> //////////
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