Craig White wrote:

>On Sun, 2005-10-16 at 19:58 +0100, Rob Mason wrote:
>>I'm running FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE with Samba 3.0.20 configured as a PDC
>>serving a small-ish network (10 XP hosts).  My problem concerns roaming
>>profiles - some XP clients take ages to logon and logoff.  On doing some
>>Googling I identified the 'profile acls' parameter as being a likely
>>fix.  However, I seem to have got myself into one of two scenarios:
>>a) With 'profile acls' switched on my XP clients logon more-or-less
>>immediately, but fail to save their roaming profile when logging off. 
>>The samba logs show "request_oplock_break: no response received..."
>>b) With 'profile acls' switched off my XP clients take an age to logon
>>and logoff, but the profiles are saved OK.
>>I've spent days trying various permitations, but to no avail.  Can
>>anyone shed any light or ideas for trouble shooting this problem????
>>My smb.conf is:
>>        path = /home/profiles
>>        #valid users = %U, administrator
>>        #force user = %U
>>        read only = No
>>        create mask = 0600
>>        directory mask = 0700
>>        #profile acls = yes
>this works for me...
>        path = /home/samba/profiles
>        browseable = no
>        guest ok = no
>        writeable = yes
>        create mask = 600
>        directory mask = 700
>        profile acls = yes
>        csc policy = disable
># ls -ld /home/samba/profiles/
>drwxrwx---  6 root dom_users 4096 Aug 22 16:58 /home/samba/profiles/
>(make sure that your /home/profiles is set with proper permissions too.
Thanks Craig - can I confirm the permissions.  It should be:

profiles = chmod'd 0755 owned and group owned by root
profiles/user = chmod'd 0770 owned and group owned by user

Is this correct?


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