Pseudomizer wrote:

no one can help here? No hint how to do this?
Please help. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag
von Pseudomizer
Gesendet: Freitag, 21. Oktober 2005 17:27
Betreff: [Samba] Migration to Samba using external LDAP server
Wichtigkeit: Hoch


we are in the process of implementing a samba server running 3.0.14 and an
external LDAP server running Microsoft ADAM. We have it also running with
Open LDAP for UNIX under Redhat. It works fine for every user account that
accesses the samba instance. The user mapping is done and all works fine.

Now we have the major problem of the migration and I would need some
guidance here please.

The external LDAP server does the mapping from the UID/GID to the SID from
MS every time a new user accesses the samba instance. But now we want to
consolidate multiple servers (from the same domain) to this samba instance.
We have about ~2.000 users in our domain and we can not let all of them
contact the samba server to create a user mapping.

The current situation is that we have to copy about 1.2TB of data to this
samba server maintaining the user permissions. We are used to tools like
Robocopy or Xcopy to migrate data to windows servers but in this case we are
not sure what will happen with the permissions of the files if we use such
tools with our samba server.
So my questions would be:

-          Are there any procedure/best practices how to migrate to samba
using external LDAP server?

MIGRATE TO samba, or FROM samba, TO or FROM what? You speak of using an 'external ldap server' above, is your intent to move away from using ldap and do things just with samba tdb backend, or do you want to move away from using LDAP to map to Active Directory SID's and just use LDAP to store the account information in alltogther... OR are you simply talking about migrating data (the 1.2TB you spoke of above) from one server to another - in which case, ya might look into rsync.

Either way, a little clearification could go a long way, and a clearer question always leads to a more concise answer.

-          How can we create the appropriate mapping on the external LDAP
server to maintain the permissions?

NO idea, whatsoever, as to what you are asking here, see answer above; mapping for what; file permission, user data, and what exactly is meant by 'external ldap server', is it not on your network? Or by 'external', do you simply mean it's not part of the samba package, or that it's actually running on a different machine alltogether?

Any help would be appreciated and please do not reply with emails like
"don't use samba, use NetApp" what happened in the past. We are not
interested in any other expensive NAS solution.

This kinda makes me think you're using the Samba server as a back-end to store the files for a Windows server; why else others would have reccomended netapp is beyond me? Are you using samba to service the end users, or samba to service as a SAN-store of sorts to other windows servers in-turn servicing the end users? Too many questions and not enough details provided by you make it hard for anyone to help.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


My suggestion; re-post with:

A) First, what exactly are you trying to accomplish; what are your long term goals?

B) Secondly, tell us how you're doing it now, and what specifically you don't like or what doesn't work (well).

C) Lastly, explain what you want us (the mailing list) to send back to you; what do you want us to explain or help with, or do, changes with samba/etc...

Your question asking is good, but your method of asking provides us with just enough information to shake our heads and ask 'why, what-the, huh? ' ... take the time and clarify a little bit as to what you're looking for and perhaps you'll recieve better replies.

Nathan Vidican
Windsor Match Plate & Tool Ltd.
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