Hello Andrew,

On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 08:34 +1100, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> > This setup is working pretty well, however on the NT box there are some
> > files with names containing odd characters like accented characters and
> > ellipsis. I'm a bit at a loss as to the correct settings of the smbmount
> > iocharset and codepage parameters to use, and whether the display
> > charset and unix charset options in smb.conf are relevant to the mounts.
> You should use the CIFS VFS for your backup operations, as it will
> correctly use unicode on the wire, and therefore allow a correct utf8
> translation.
> smbfs is considered deprecated, and certainly should not be used for new
> installations. 


$ sudo mount -t cifs -o username=auser //david-bowie/Test /mnt/tmp
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ls /mnt/tmp
één document á €50.doc  ellipsis zijn heel fijn (…).doc  ‘?颂ꋩ??
één document.doc        Nogmaals ellipsis ….doc          “???????鲂닩?

That indeed solves the issue for the more common cases. Luckily in real
life I don't have to deal with these cases but what about the below 2 file
names? They are printed correctly in smbclient.

  ‘‰’.doc                       A    24064  Sat Oct 29 18:57:55 2005
  “quotes”.doc                    A    24064  Sat Oct 29 18:53:40 2005


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