Alexander Skwar schrieb:

> What I mean with this is, that I can copy/create a file from Linux
> on the LS called "blöder name" just fine. But when I access the share
> with XP, that filename is shown as "blöder name" instead. And when I
> create a file with such a name from Windows, it shows up in Linux as
> "bl?der name" (that's what "ls" shows - I suppose that's not a real
> question mark (?) though).


Thanks to OpenLink firmware from, I've
now got root access via ssh/telnet to the box. In the smb.conf
of the NAS device, I find:

    client code page = 850
    character set = ISO8859-15

It is running:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# /usr/sbin/smbd -V
Version 2.2.8a-ja-1.1

To what values should I change that?

Thanks again,

Alexander Skwar
Bad Cockroach: Man, I'm going to cut you up so bad, that you... you gonna wish I
didn't cut you up so bad.
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