On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 14:05 +0000, Tony Austin wrote:
> > On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 13:32 +0000, Tony Austin wrote:
> >> I am following the instruction in Samba by Example chapter 6 on a RHEL4
> >> server.  Everything seems OK until I get to, which says to do
> >> the
> >> following:-
> >>
> >> root# getent passwd | grep Adminstrator
> >>
> >> which returns nothing, indicating that the nsswitch (nss_ldap libary) is
> >> not working.
> >>
> >> I cannot find anything in any of the log files to give my a clue nor any
> >> hints on how to debug this.
> >>
> >> Any suggestions?
> >>
> > ----
> > redhat? version?
> >
> Enterprise Linux El version 4 64-bit
thanks - that helps
> > does 'by Example' really suggest using ldbm?
> >
> No.  It's my first go with LDAP and I copied it from a working RHEL3 config.
ldbm will probably ultimately make you crazy. Continue playing with ldbm
if you wish but consider using bdb instead...
the following changes would need to be made

to slapd.conf
# just below schema includes...
allow           bind_v2 bind_anon_dn

# at the bottom of the file
# Set the entry cache size to 5000.
cachesize       5000

# Set transactional checkpoint.
checkpoint      512     720

create a file called DB_CONFIG and put it into your ldap-data directory
(/var/lib/ldap as defined in your supplied information)

# Set the database in memory cache size.
set_cachesize   0       52428800        0

# Automatically remove log files that are no longer needed.

# Set database flags.
# (for database loading/reindexing)
#set_flags       DB_TXN_NOSYNC

# Set log values.
set_lg_regionmax        1048576
set_lg_max              10485760
set_lg_bsize            2097152

and whether you use ldbm or bdb...make sure that /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
has at the very least...

BASE dc=phoenixinteriorsltd,dc=com

you need to be able to at least perform the search as I showed you.
ldapsearch -x -h localhost \
-D 'cn=Manager,dc=phoenixinteriorsltd,dc=com' \
-W '(objectclass=*)'

and get results?

did you set rootdn password properly?

from command line...
# slappasswd -s my_password

and copy/paste that into slapd.conf

rootpw {SSHA}e+sgS1WyGdXLEd7K+rVK3H/swmsS81Sg


> > can you perform base search from command line?
> >
> > ldapsearch -x -h localhost \
> > -D 'cn=Manager,dc=phoenixinteriorsltd,dc=com' \
> > -W '(objectclass=*)'
> >
> > and get results?
> >
> No. I get:-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldapsearch -x -h localhost -D
> 'cn=Manager,dc=phoenixinteriorsltd,dc=com' -W '(objectclass=*)'
> Enter LDAP Password:
> # extended LDIF
> #
> # LDAPv3
> # base <> with scope sub
> # filter: (objectclass=*)
> # requesting: ALL
> #
> # search result
> search: 2
> result: 32 No such object
> # numResponses: 1
> But I do get results with:-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ldapsearch -x -b "dc=phoenixinteriorsltd,dc=com"
> "(ObjectClass=*)"
> # extended LDIF
> #
> # LDAPv3
> # base <dc=phoenixinteriorsltd,dc=com> with scope sub
> # filter: (ObjectClass=*)
> # requesting: ALL
> #
> # phoenixinteriorsltd.com
> dn: dc=phoenixinteriorsltd,dc=com
OK - either an authentication problem or a lack of data problem...let's
set up ldap logging.

**** add these two lines to /etc/syslog.conf ****

local4.*                                                /var/log/slapd.log

# service syslog restart

**** change loglevel in slapd.conf to 256 ****
( I see you've already set it to 256 )

# service ldap restart

Now ldap stuff logs to /var/log/slapd.log

Now you can try to connect and review slapd logs to see what it's doing.


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