On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 21:33 -0500, Kevin wrote:
> Thanks for your reply, Craig.
> Craig White wrote:
> >>My first question for the list is: which one of these methods is likely
> >>to be least problematic and least time-consuming?
> > 
> > ----
> > least problematic and least time consuming would probably involve making
> > sure that all of the user profiles are set to local, setting up new
> > samba 3/ldap and re-joining the computers to the new domain and then
> > migrating the user profiles back to roaming on the new domain if
> > desired.
> > ----
> Really!?  I would've thought that to be the most problematic and most
> time-consuming.
you asked for an opinion and you got mine...10 users, 10
machines...easier/better/safer/quicker to do new setup and have machines
join new domain. Myself, I would probably migrate it rather than
creating a new setup. One of the things that weighed in on my opinion in
your case was remembering my first setups of samba 3.0.0 and discovering
that samba 3.0.x in barely resembles samba 2.2.x...it is an entirely
different beast.
> The general description you've given here is helpful, but... would I be
> looking a gift horse in the mouth by asking for a more detailed description?
> Or is there such a description in the docs somewhere that I've missed?
> After reading my Using Samba book from O'Reilly and browsing the
> Official HowTo, I don't find one.
> I do see this:
> Disabling Roaming Profile Support
> ...
> In smb.conf
>     Affect the following settings and ALL clients will be forced to use
> a local profile: logon home = and logon path =
>     The arguments to these parameters must be left blank. It is
> necessary to include the = sign to specifically assign the empty value.
> The text formatting may be making that statement a little confusing to
> me.  Should I read that as:
> smb.conf
> =============
> logon home =
> logon path =
> =============
> Just want to make sure.
> If I do this and take the old PDC offline, users will still be able to
> login?
if the PDC is offline, users won't be able to login unless the system
provides cached credentials.
>   I thought the user profiles were just the files to make up the
> user desktop; not the authentication credentials.  Perhaps I'm mistaken
> on that point.
that is pretty much an accurate description
> And won't rejoining the computers to the new domain end up renaming all
> of the users' local directory structures (under the "Documents and
> Settings" folder on the local windows client) and thereby making the
> users' locally stored data inaccessible to them?  I seem to recall this
> happening when I've rejoined computer clients to a new domain in the past.
I already answered this in the previous email - you need to review the
samba 'How-To' on migrating user profiles.
> Setting up the new samba 3/ldap domain I'm sure I'll find well
> documented, but it seems to me that in upgrading, I'll have a host of
> issues to deal with that someone setting up a brand new samba 3/ldap
> domain wouldn't have to worry about.
> > ----
> > samba 2.x.x doesn't support BDC
> > ----
> I thought that 2.2.x introduced some BDC functionality.  No?
No - apparently saying it once isn't enough though.


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