On Ter Nov 29 05 13:55, Taolizhong wrote:
>Josh Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  On 11/29/05, Taolizhong wrote:
>> The above requirements seem simple, however, my problem is, because the 
>> share directory is neither under any of the members' home directory nor a 
>> seperate partition, and the system umask is set to 022, which is not 
>> supposed to be changed, whenever a new file is created, it automatically has 
>> permission as -rwxr--r--, not -rwxrwx--- that I desire. I guess my problem 
>> is related to how to file mode creation at a directory level.
>force create mode = 0770
>Thanks a lot, Josh. The "force create mode" solves the problem partially --- 
>now the group members have full access to the files. However, for some unknow 
>reason, the permission for "other" doesn't work. They still have read access. 
>In addition, it doesn't work on subfolders either. Please see the following:

try "valid users = @group1"

>  bash-2.05# ls -ld share/
>drwsrws--x  3 tech group1 512 Nov 29 13:50 share/
>bash-2.05# cd share/
>bash-2.05# ls -l
>total 2
>drwxr-sr-x  2 guest01 group1 512 Nov 29 13:51 a
>-rwxrwxr--  1 guest01 group1   0 Nov 29 13:49 test.txt
>  Any further sugestions?
>  Thanks,
>  --Lingtao
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