
I'm running SUSE Pro 9.3 with Samba 3.0.13, and I have LAN with 2 subnets. The problem (or the symptom; I may actually have two problems) is that I can't get into some of the shares from my Win2k box (one subnet) or from my XP laptop (other subnet). The directory structure is

and the shares are accounts and finsvcs. /data is owned by root:root, while the share directories are owned by mfwic:accounts and mfwic:finsvcs.

Each user can get into his own /home/directory just fine, and I've confirmed that the users are correctly entered in the passwd and smbpasswd files (as also implied by being able to get into the /home directories). User access to the shares is granted via "valid user=%G." From the windows devices, it's possible to browse over to (or to go via Network Neighborhood), and see, the shares, but entering is denied--the Windows devices invite me to log in and then reject the login. Winbindd is running, and the windows devices are pointed to the samba box for the WINS service.

I've run the checklist from TOSHARG2, and the only items that _don't_ work are
smbclient //lserver0/accounts -U<user> (including mfwic). That gets me a tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error. However, if I run smbclient //lserver0/accounts -Uroot with the root password, I get into the shares. I cannot ping by name the machines (PC and laptop) from lserver0, the samba box, or lserver0 from the windows machine. I can ping in both directions by IP address. nmblookup -B xxx '*' works when xxx=IP address, fails when xxx=machine name. net use x: \\lserver0\accounts fails with a bad password error from my Win2k PC, and with a multiple connections not allowed error from my XP laptop.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Eric Hines

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        --Bertrand Russell

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