Hi folks,

We have been experiencing problems with one of our Samba servers here for a while now and need a little help. First off we are running Fedora Core 3, kernel version 2.6.12-1, and Samba version 3.0.20b. Our hardware is a RAID 5 DELL PowerEdge 700 server. The problem I am about to describe has occurred on this server in previous versions of samba prior to version 3.0.20b and has the same result every time it happens. To get to the point of the problem, this server will run fine for a period of time and then begin to build up SMBD processes until eventually our users can no longer access shares. The Samba server just stops responding. It does not even respond to STOP, START, or RESTART commands. Doing a RESTART on samba will look like it is restarting the service, but Samba will still be in the same locked state with shares still not available. Doing a status on the service then reveals that the STOP, START, or RESTART did nothing to clear out the old processes or the locked files it thought it previously had opened. We end up just rebooting the server to clear everything out. Right now we are just reading through all the documentation, posts, and waiting for this to happen again to hopefully capture some error in the log. When that happens I'll send more detail. I've seen other posts about this, but none ever clearly state some sort of resolution to this problem. So I know this is happening to others. It's getting increasingly more frustrating since we have been running samba as our file servers for Windows clients for years now and never had this much of a problem with it crashing on us like this. Our smb.conf file is pretty basic and really it is the one we have run since we first started. Since we have not had a problem in the past this is making me think it is more an external application, like one of our databases possibly that is causing the SMBD process to build out of control. We are open to any and all suggestions to help fix this from happening anymore.
smb.conf file:

       workgroup = XXX
       server string = Samba Server
       security = DOMAIN
       log file = /var/log/samba/log
       max log size = 100000
       socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
       dns proxy = No
       ldap ssl = no
       log level = 5
       load printers = No
       kernel oplocks = No

       comment = Home Directories
       read only = No
       browseable = No
       available = No

#       comment = All Printers
#       path = /var/spool/samba
#       printable = Yes
#       browseable = No

       comment = Public Data Repository
       path = /var/local/group_shares/public_data
       read only = No
       create mask = 02775
       force create mode = 02775
       directory mask = 02775
       force directory mode = 02775

       comment = Production Control Repository
       path = /var/local/group_shares/prod_control
       read only = No
       create mask = 02775
       force create mode = 02775
       directory mask = 02775
       force directory mode = 02775

Matt Lung

Midwest Tool & Die, Corp.

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