Le Lundi 12 Décembre 2005 13:46, Michael Lueck a écrit :
> Jonathon Schrader wrote:
> > I'm running 3.0.20b on a Fedora Core 4 box (although I've seen the same
> > results with a FC4 stock 3.0.14a release) and my Windows XP boxes
> > (service pack 2) that are on my LAN.
> > What I'm seeing is an inability for the machines to read a list of files
> > in alphabetical order, with the folders at the top, and the files at the
> > bottom.
> Possibly it is related to Bug 3269 which I opened. This bug is related to
> wild cards showing more files than it should as the wild card spec does not
> match a file returned. I would have thought alpha order sort, like "DIR
> /O", would be a client side thing, but I really don't know for sure. With
> the wild card bug it makes me wonder if the sort is maybe done by the
> server over the CIFS protocol.
> Currently there has been no comment on the bug report, thus no clue if this
> type of issue is on the developer's radar map already and they are just
> choosing not to take the time to "mark as dupe" or what actually might be
> the status of this. So, join the ??? club. ;-)
> --
> Michael Lueck
> Lueck Data Systems
> http://www.lueckdatasystems.com/
> Remove the upper case letters NOSPAM to contact me directly.


Same problem here. But it depends on the windows applications and the OS... 
some work, some don't.
For instance, I've seen the problem with Office 2000 in XP.
The worst is with installshield, because it seems to require to have the files 
in the right order to build its archives (not sure of the exact cause of the 
problem, but the developpers complained that they cannot use installshield 
anymore with the fileserver).
I know it could be argued that the sort should be done on the client, or that 
windows interfaces should be coherent ...
But the problems, for me, are linked to this : it seems that the sort is done 
on the server when the server is a windows OS (maybe because the filesystem 
returns the file list allready sorted), and it's quite a problem for some 
apps (some managers here can't use the 'open file' menu from office because 
the files are displayed unsorted).

Of course, the problem is perceived as coming from samba (and it is, because 
it works fine with a windows 2003 server for instance).

Should I add some more at the end of the bug 3269 so that it is seen as 
important ?
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