do you have multiple subnets for each BDC?


werner maes wrote:

On Monday 12 December 2005 02:02, werner maes wrote:
>       hello
> I've been reading the thread
> ( and I have
> the same limitation with WINS in a PDC/BDC.
> That's why I have the following (experimental) setup:
> PDC ==> wins support = yes, passdb backend: master ldap
> BDC ==> wins support = yes, passdb backend: slave ldap
> I configured some of my XP clients to use both WINS servers and it
> seems to work.

Well, you CAN do this, but then it is necessary to use the "remote browse
sync" and "remote announce" parameters on both systems to gain cross-subnet browsing and name resolution capability. You will likely find that Windows
hosts will register with only one WINS server - that is one of the key
reasons for the advice that is in the man page and in the HOWTO book.

> but in the manual of smb.conf I read:
> wins support (G)
>                Note that you should NEVER set this to yes  on
>                more than one machine in your network.
> What could happen if you use more than one WINS server on your network?

You COULD (likely will) have broken NetBIOS name resolution, with the result
that windows clients can panic and blue-screen.

- John T.

sorry for the repost, hope it appears in the right thread now...

thanks for your advice john.
I will setup a few XP clients with two WINS servers configured and see what happens. but I need this kind of backup because else I can't see the point of setting up a BDC if the WINS server remains the single point of failure.

I'm looking forward to Samba4 where "WINS replication support is nearly finished" as I've read on the website (

kind regards



Michael Gasch
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Department of Human Evolution (IT)
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