Hello NG,

my network sytem is consisting of AD/2003 as LDAP Server, SuSE 10.0 and xp 
and SuSE 9.3 Samba/NFS-Fileserver for the homes of SuSE clients and Samba 
shares for the Xp clients.
My problem is the cd-rom samba share. All other samba shares except the 
cd-rom share are working for me.
If I open the network environment in the windows explorer of a succeded 
logon xp client, I can access all shares except the cd-rom share.
At accessing the cd-rom share in the windows explorer, I am getting no 
errormessage, but the directories and files of the shared cd do
not appeare in the right side side of the explorer. The right part of the 
windows exlorer is empty.
All contents of all other samba shares are correctly appeared in the right 
part of the windows explorer except the content of the cd-rom.
The cd-rom section in the smb.conf is:
path = /media/TOOLS
writeable = yes
browseable = yes

I think, it is a problem with unix access rights, but the rights of a cd-rom 
can not be changed, because it is a cd-rom.
Any idea?

Best regards and many thanks

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