However, the problem arises when I try to get the existing clients setup for 
the new domain. I'm able to join the domain without a problem. However, when I 
reboot and try to login via a samba username / password (we're using a first 
initial-last name convention), Windows creates a new profile in C:
\Documents and Settings\username.NEWDOMAIN, while all of the original data is in C:\Documents and Settings\username, and is essentially gone as far as the users are concerned.

Try this:
1) create a new account with admin rights (maybe administrator 2)
2) go to "local users and groups" -> right click on Administrators -> Add to Group -> Add... -> Location -> select your local computer name;
enter the account name from 1) in the white box (administrator2)
3) restart!
4) go to the icon "my computer" -> righ click -> properties -> advanced -> user profiles -> settings from here copy the content from the local profile (username) to the DOMAIN.username profile; before you click OK, change the "permitted to use" to everyone (type Everyone in the whitebox)
5) click ok and wait ... you can delete the new administrator2 account

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