Quoting William Jojo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

From: James Cort
All the documentation I can find online seems to be geared towards
getting the system up and running properly in the first place with
minimal requirement of understanding of how it all hangs together - if
someone did that in the past and made a mistake, it seems particularly
tough to figure out what they did wrong and, more importantly, how to
fix it without causing downtime.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Well, since this system doesn't have local files can you use secldapclntd?
This will solve your local user problem (which is what I was driving at
:-) ) by pointing to LDAP and making the users appear local.

I've already got Unix user logons working through LDAP and all the relevant configuration in nsswitch:

cronus james # touch test_JAMES
cronus james # chown james:u4ea test_JAMES
cronus james # ls -ail
total 16
166146660 drwxrwxr-x   2 james u4ea   23 Jan  9 08:23 .
     128 drwxr-xr-x  39 root  root 4096 Jan  9 05:46 ..
166146661 -rw-rw-r--   1 james u4ea    0 Jan  9 08:23 test_JAMES
cronus james # grep james: /etc/passwd
cronus james #

Isn't secldapclntd AIX-specific? Everything I can find suggests it is. This is Gentoo Linux.

 There's also
the possbility of WINBIND depending on how you want to approach the users.

Ah - now there's a possibility. On the server that works, I can see winbind is running. The absence of entries in the LDAP database suggests that it's using local files - but I can't find which local files it uses.

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