Adam Kendall wrote:
grep ^[^#] kendall-smbconf | grep ^[^\;] > smb.conf.txt
 shows what it is that is actually in there or testparm -s | less 

You know, mv smb.conf master-smb.conf and then testparm -s master-smb.conf >
smb.conf would give you something much nicer to send to the list.

Anyway, have you done mkdir -p /home/akendall/adam_temp just to make sure?

No firewall in the way?

Is the machine named nuwvics5 or fedorabox?  What is it named in /etc/hosts?

Regards Geoff Scott


        workgroup =

        server string = Samba Server

hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127.

        printcap name = /etc/printcap

        cups options = raw

        log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log

        max log size = 50

        security = domain

        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192

        dns proxy = no
        idmap uid = 16777216-33554431
        idmap gid = 16777216-33554431
        password server = sever1

        comment = Home Directories
        browseable = yes
        writeable = yes

        comment = All Printers
        path = /var/spool/samba
        browseable = no
        printable = yes

        path = /home/akendall/adam_temp/
        writeable = yes
        force user = akendall
        force group = akendall
        case sensitive = no
        msdfs proxy = no
        hosts allow = mypcxp
        comment = Temp folder for Adam
        browseable = yes
        valid users = akendall

        path = /home/akendall/test
        writeable = yes
        browseable = yes
        guest ok = yes
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