Craig White wrote:

On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 19:01 -0600, Philip Washington wrote:
We are using SambaPDC-LDAP and we have a Web Interface using PHP to our database. I have asked our developer to come up with a way to use the password stored in LDAP so we would have the same login throughout our site. He told me that after a day of looking he couldn't figure out how to translate the Username and Password into the SambaNTPassword or the LM password on the LDAP server. I was wondering if anyone here could point me in the direction for howto's on this. I thought it was a fairly simple md5 hash of the username and password but apparently not.

I'm quite sure that you can find the code in phpldapadmin as that is
capable of creating the hashed password. Also - a google for mkntpasswd
would likely give you a 'c' program to do the same


I tried every algorithm with phpldapadmin and compared the results from this with the results in the SambaNTPassword and SambaLMPassword and none of the results looked remotely the same. So it appears to be more than a simple hash of the password. The only one I couldn't check was the DES one. So it looks like I'll have to figure out the algorithm from mkntpasswd.

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