
if the BDC can write into the backend (ldap master), then everything should be fine. otherwise it will give back an error, e.g. if you want to change your password.

please also note this thread
"RE: [Samba] Samba + LDAP over the WAN" from Bruno Guerreiro

and this one
[Samba] BDC, documentation, Machine Accounts Keep Expiring


Andreas Fladischer wrote:

i have a samba server with ldap as pdc. everything works fine and now i'm testing samba as bdc. i copied the smb.conf from the pdc to the bdc and changed the domain master = yes to no!

then i stopped the smb service on the pdc and tried to login on an winxp machine and this also worked (the log file show me that the login is on the bdc)! is it possible that the users can change their passwords when the pdc isn't available or must the pdc be online?how can i do this?

with best regards and thanks in advance for your answers

Michael Gasch
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Department of Human Evolution (IT)
Deutscher Platz 6
D-04103 Leipzig

Phone: 49 (0)341 - 3550 137
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