Verry sorry again i just see big mistake in the message.


i use samba server with winxp box on our lan from 3 years and before i can "upload" the xp PRINTERS drivers from a xp machine to samba server without any problem's but recently after un hard disk crash, i upgrade my mandriva server to the last release mdv (2006.0) and now i wasn t able to upload the drivers again, directly from the server if i do, loged in root the cmd cupsaddsmb -a -v evry thing go fine, from xp clients i can see the new name of the drivers but in the samba share of drivers there is no file in the x86 directory .. so i don t hunderstant and don't find why the upload can t work any way these the error message of xp client (sorry i m french and so i put the message in french and try to translate it the better i can):
french :
"Assistant ajout de pilote d'imprimante : Impossible d'installer le pilote
HP OfficeJet R80, windows 2000 ou XP,Intel. Impossible de terminer cette
English :
"Assistant addition of pilot of printer: Impossible to install the pilot HP
OfficeJet R80, Windows 2000 or XP, INTEL. Impossible to finish this

Perhaps if you autoriz me i can put snapshot in another mail to explain wath i do : from the xp client i logon to the samba pdc with the root account, i browse our networ, server, printer i do a right clic and choise "propriety of server" i go to the driver tab and clic the add buton after i make the correct choise of printer model, os and so on and finaly have the error message I try to have a simultany look of samba, cups and syslog message but nothing else bad juste when i open the printer wizard share a error in sylog who say : Jan 27 18:07:30 alpha smbd[4797]: supervision ( couldn't find service ::{2227a280-3aea-1069-a2de-08002b30309d} i know this is the printer in windows registry but i don 't understand realy the problem my var/cache/samba/printers seems to be ok and on window i haven't got another printers than printers server (one hp an one pdf).

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