I have noticed the same thing. RedHat's smbmount can mount a read/write a share just fine. But the smbmount in SuSE 10 can not. I get "Permission denied" when I try to look at the mount using 'df.'

# smbmount
Usage: mount.smbfs service mountpoint [-o options,...]
Version 3.0.20-4-SUSE

# smbmount //appsrv/rxs /mnt/rxs -o username=****,password=****,workgroup=accessrxs,fmask=777,debug=4 && df; umount /mnt/rxs
mount.smbfs started (version 3.0.20-4-SUSE)
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Connecting to at port 445
27712: session request ok
Serverzone is 18000
27712: session setup ok
27712: tconx ok
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2             38008564   5342608  32665956  15% /
tmpfs                   517720         0    517720   0% /dev/shm
df: `/mnt/rxs': Permission denied

From a higher debug level:
[000] 57 69 6E 64 6F 77 73 20  53 65 72 76 65 72 20 32  Windows  Server 2
[010] 30 30 33 20 33 37 39 30  20 53 65 72 76 69 63 65  003 3790  Service
[020] 20 50 61 63 6B 20 31 00  57 69 6E 64 6F 77 73 20   Pack 1. Windows
[030] 53 65 72 76 65 72 20 32  30 30 33 20 35 2E 32 00  Server 2 003 5.2.
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