i've got a problem concerning Samba data transmission size. 
I turn a Samba version 3.0.20b on AIX server; when i make a 3Go 
file copy on a Samba client, the data transfert stops with 1073741312 bits 
After many retries, it's always the same problem... 
Is there a data transfert limitation on Samba configuration? 

Extract of my smb.conf: 
# Samba config file created using SWAT 
# from ( 
# Date: 2005/07/18 10:59:34 

# Global parameters 
        workgroup = AXPDIG0D 
        server string = Serveur SAMBA v3.0.20b 
        security = SHARE 
        log file = /data/exploit/samba/log.%m 
        include = /opt/Samba/3.0.20b/lib/smb.conf.%m 
        max log size = 1000 
        read only = No 
        dos filetime resolution = Yes 

        force user = %U 
        hosts allow = 129.183. 

        comment = All Printers 
        path = /usr/spool/samba 
        printable = Yes 
        browseable = No 

        path = /data/samba 
        force user = cft 
        guest ok = Yes 
        guest only = Yes 

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