How can I give a user account the ability to join or add computer to the domain?

Below are the steps I did but none work:

1.      Edit smb.conf file and add the following line.

#  domain administrators
   domain admin group = root user1 user2 @sysadmin
   domain admin users = @sysadmin

I have a group called "sysadmin" on my /etc/group profile and added both user1 and user2.

2. Map the Windows Domain Admins to sysadmin group account using the command below:

pcname#net groupmap modify ntgroup="Domain Admins" unixgroup=sysadmin

3.      Check if the command was successful by using the command below:

pcname#net groupmap list

Domain Admins (S-1-5-21-1071463269-1754759636-1174686074-512) -> sysadmin

The above result clearly shows that it was successful and the "Domain Admins" group is pointing to "sysadmin".

Thanks for all the help.


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