From: "Larry Alkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
david rankin wrote:
From: "Larry Alkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
david rankin wrote:
From: "Larry Alkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

If you have security = share it looks to me like everyone would see the samba icon but could not access it since they didn't have the password (and maybe 'valid user = david' would prevent access also).

Or did you mean 'access the samba share' by "see"?

I have security=share, and Yes I meant 'see' the share. browseable=no takes care of that.

       comment = Base Samba Share
       path = /home/samba
       valid users = david
       force user = david
       force group = ochiltree
       admin users = david
       browseable = no
       writeable = Yes
       inherit permissions = yes

What I've worked out is to mount tillie in my smbmt script with the line:
smbmount //tillie/all  /mnt/tillie
which picks up the $USER.
So if I run the script as $USER=root I'm root, otherwise a user even though my $UID=0 when I su to run the script and smbmount.

I wish there was some way to "su" into a share but haven't seen it yet.

Well for me, its fire up PuTTy;
ssh server, log in as me,
and you are in.

I haven't done much PuTTy yet. At this point I'm trying to access all shares from the Linux boxes. I'm on a compaign to eliminate all Windows computers from my house except one or two, including changing out my wife's to a Mac. Most of my computing time is spent at one Linux box and I only access the Windows boxen by cli to transfer a few files and to backup.

Ok, I think I understand now. You were smbmounting the windows boxes on your linux box and then from your linux box using the cli to do what you needed to do on the windows shares, right? I'm no expert on this, but I think you have found also found the answer, "So if I run the script as $USER=root I'm root". From man smbmount:

specifies the username to connect as. If this is not given, then the environment variable USER is used. This option can also take the form "user%password" or "user/workgroup" or "user/work- group%password" to allow the password and workgroup to be speci-
             fied as part of the username.

So what you want is: smbmount //tillie/all /mnt/tillie -o username=root; which I presume you would have to be root to do. Using su to execute some commands has always been problematic where the command being issues relies on evironment variables. cron is a good example. I think the user environment as seen by smbmount was what was biting you in this case. Others with far more knowledge than I may want to weigh in or add more detail if required.

David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
(936) 715-9333
(936) 715-9339 fax

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