Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
> Ryan Novosielski wrote:
>>> I guess I must be getting ldapsam confused with some other variety of
>>> ldapsam then? That's the only one I know of that I currently use
>>> (however, it is because of a plan to MOVE to LDAP, not because we're
>>> currently using it).
> --with-ldapsam is only the 2.2 backwards compatible option
> and is used to implement the ldap server and ldap port
> parameters.  It has no direct effect on 'passdb backend = ldapsam'
> In smb.conf you will still be able to configure 'passdb
> backend = ldapsam_compat:ldap://localhost' if you need to
> the older 2.2 compatible schema (although I would like to
> remove that option at some point as well.

Thanks for the clarification. In that case, I personally don't see any
reason it needs to stay (and am pulling it from my next build testing).
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