Hi George,

I´ve simply changed the way samba clients authenticates on PDC, chaging the smb.conf variable "security" from "server" to "domain". Only works if the client join the domain. Dont know why, but after that mapping from xp x64 now works.




I have this same problem. Did you get any help fixing it or come up with a fix yourself?


*[Samba] Problem mapping from windows x64 version*
*Emidio Augusto Arantes* _emidio at crc.dcc.ufmg.br _ <mailto:samba%40lists.samba.org?Subject=%5BSamba%5D%20Problem%20mapping%20from%20windows%20x64%20version&In-Reply-To=>/
Wed Apr 12 22:43:22 GMT 2006/

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I got a problem mapping a network drive from a samba sharing server wich
authenticates on a PDC samba server.  Windows says "network path was not
found" but the bdc's log says it tried to authenticate on the server but
it seems the client disconected before. Mapping from a windows 32bit
version or directly from the pdc  everything works fine. Does anybody
knows a way to fix it? The samba version is 3.0.22  at both pdc and
sharing client, both freebsd 5-4.


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