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Watch out for SELinux related problems on RHEL4. I believe it ships with
SELinux on (which is good -- the first thing people recommend is to turn
it off... I strongly disagree).
 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - User Support Spec. III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630

alok kumar wrote:
> I used to mount following share using samba client on
> RHEL 3.0 without any problems. Then I installed ES4.0
> and I started seeing problems with these samba shares.
> I have following line in fstab to mount the share : 
> //bizgroup/wli1   /wli1   smbfs  
> uid=501,gid=501,credentials=/etc/samba/.smbpassword   
>  0 0 
> and /etc/samba/.smbpassword   contains following 
> username=xxxxxxx 
> password=xxxxxxx 
> workgroup=xxxx 
> and when I mount one of these file systems, I see
> following lines in messages file :- 
> May  4 10:34:20 beatest4 kernel: smb_add_request:
> request [f69b9080, mid=0] timed out! 
> May  4 10:34:20 beatest4 kernel: smb_delete_inode:
> could not close inode 2 
> May  4 10:34:20 beatest4 mount.smbfs[2133]:
> [2006/05/04 10:34:20, 0]
> client/smbmount.c:send_fs_socket(410) 
> May  4 10:34:20 beatest4 mount.smbfs[2133]:  
> mount.smbfs: entering daemon mode for service
> \\bizgroup\wli1, pid=2133 
> May  4 10:34:20 beatest4 kernel: smb_retry: no
> connection process 
> and after that it mounts the file system. Once I start
> my application processes, I see more of these errors.
> It gives errors and works intermittently. 
> I checked online forums and found that I should use
> cifs instead of smbfs. When I use cifs to mount a
> share, it is mounted without any error. But when I try
> to run 'ls' command it gives me "Input/output error".
> [root at beatest4 ~]# mount -t cifs //bizprod/wli1
> /wli1 -o
> ip=,user=kumara4,password=xxx,domain=twpn,uid=501,gid=501
> [root at beatest4 ~]# ls -l /wli1
> ls: reading directory /wli1: Input/output error
> total 0
> If I try to run
> [root at beatest4 ~]# cd /wli1/wlitest2
> [root at beatest4 wlitest2]# pwd
> /wli1/wlitest2
> It works fine. But if you do ls again
> [root at beatest4 wlitest2]# ls
> wlitest2
> It gives you the current directory name.
> I even tried to copy files on this share. No errors.
> But again there is no way to list them. If you know
> the file name you can even cat a file.
> Samba rpm installed
> samba-3.0.22-1
> cifs.ko version 1.34
> mount.cifs version 1.8
> Please help.
> Thanks,
> Alok Kumar
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