Rashkae wrote:
Can you define corrupt? If you copy your folder to the server, then copy back from the server to the workstation, do you still have problems with those files? Does the file size change? (are they receiving more or fewer bytes?),, did you try to compare MD5 Sums?

If the files really are becomming corrupt somehow, did you check Dmesg on your server to make sure you aren't having serious hardware problems on that end?

Hi and thank you for your answer,

with coruppt I mean that there aren't any missing bytes. I saw some BMP files which look like you have taken the original photo-image (tho photo came out of an microscope. we are working with a lot of images of plants and genes) and cut it into litle peaces. Than you take this peaces and put them randomly together. I don't know how to describe it better. My english is not that good. Other photos in the same folder are ok. And we got the problem on two different systems, using thair own storage device. I mean they don't share the same drive or something like this. It doesn't matter if we copy the files from the server to a workstation and back or if we copie the files from a workstation to the server and back. We don't compare the md5 checksumes. We cheked our switches to make shure there is nothing wrong with our network installation. And there are no hardware errors because we are having the problem on two different machines.

I hope that information can help you.

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