
I'm using SaMBa to share homedirs of a linux server. Since version 3.0.23, when i try to reach the home dir of a user that have the server's name i have this error:

[user_name_here] is a Domain, not a user

This happens only with security = SHARE (works fine w/ security = USER) and only for shares like \\my_servername\my_servername, all other homedirs (\\my_servername\root, \\my_servername\public, etc.) are OK.

This sounds like a bug to me. My smb.conf is very simple:

        workgroup = MY_WKGRP
        security = SHARE
        encrypt passwords = No
        blocking locks = No

        path = /pub
        guest ok = Yes

        read only = No
        browseable = No
        veto oplock files = /*.MDB/*.LDB/*.ldb/*.mdb/

Bringing back SaMBa 3.0.22 or using "security = USER" does the trick but as i have public shares, i'd like to keep "security = SHARE".

I reproduced the error on two servers, both where compiled from the sources with this options:

./configure --prefix=/opt/samba-3.0.23 --disable-cups --without-ads --without-winbind --without-ldap

Is there any bug form i can fill? Maybe this is an know problem but this doesn't seems related to new variables default values.

Thanks your for your help or any advices.

All the best,

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