
you are a genius, this fixed it! Anybody know why?


Don Meyer wrote:

Well, I didn't see the last bit you describe, but I don't run RFC2307 (yet). We we bit by very similar behavior when moving from 3.0.22 to the 3.0.23 RC's. Turns out that the use-default-domain option is not being universally applied to groups in 3.0.23. As soon as I changed my "valid users = +group" statements to the format "= +domain\group", then this problem was fixed for us. Maybe it will do the trick for you...


At 07:41 AM 7/18/2006, Howard Wilkinson wrote:

I have managed to isolate where the problem is, now I need to work out what the problem is?

I have a group


in which I am a member - howard.

I have a

valid users = +cohtech

entry in smb.conf for the share I am trying to connect to, I get the following reported in the machine.log file -

zebra.log:  string_to_sid: Sid +cohtech does not start with 'S-'.

and the users get rejected. If I declare the user directly then access is allowed.

This server gets its group database from the AD controllers via RFC2307.

Anybody know why group expansion may be broken in 3.0.23?

Don Meyer                                           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Network Manager, ACES Academic Computing Facility
Technical System Manager, ACES TeleNet System
UIUC College of ACES, Information Technology and Communication Services

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety." -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759


Howard Wilkinson





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