Dear Jerry,
> > log.winbindd contains a lot of messages like
> > [2006/07/24 15:12:19, 0] nsswitch/winbindd.c:request_len_recv(517)
> >   request_len_recv: Invalid request size received: 1836
> Did you upgrade the library as well ?
Thank you very much for prompt reply.

It seems that the install script upgraded them properly. At least, and winbindd have the same date.

-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   16664 Jul 24 13:39
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  748308 Jul 24 13:39 /usr/local/lib/
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  2129111 Jul 24 13:39 /usr/local/sbin/winbindd

I have also tried to copy from the build directory manually,
but this did not change anything. 

The problem occurs with group permissions only. All users can read the
directories which are owned by them and have "user read" permission. 

With best regards,
P. Trifonov  

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