hi jerry,

i thought this would never get fixed, because i think i hit the same problem already last year.

[Samba] [Problem] Samba v3 Errors when group and user exists with       same 

jerry said:

| i have a user called "biblio" and a group called "biblio"
| normally this is no problem under linux but samba seems to "emulate"
| windows behaviour indirectly.

Windows won't allow a user and groupw ith the same name.
Not much we can do about that. However, if you establish a
group mapping entry and set the ntgroup value to a
different string, things will work out ok.

so are you talking about a issue on linux side and samba or windows side and samba?


Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
Hash: SHA1


We have a Linux user and group with the same name (username prox, group name prox) and a Samba share
with "force user = prox" set. Since upgrading from Samba
3.0.21b to Samba 3.0.23a, that share no longer works.
smbclient gives the following error when connecting to
the share:

tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER

The Samba server logs the following error:

[2006/08/07 09:38:26, 1] auth/auth_util.c:create_token_from_username(1060)
 prox is a Domain Group, not a user

So Samba no longer likes having a user and group by the same name. Is this an intentional change
in Samba 3.0.23, or is it a bug?  I don't
remember seeing anything about it in the release notes.

We think that we have this fixed in the current
SAMBA_3_0_RELEASE.  Would you mind testing this
and letting me know?  You can grab it from
or rsync;//rsync.samba.org/ftp/unpacked/samba_3_0_release.

I'll hold 3.0.23b until I hear from you.  Thanks.

cheers, jerry
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