At 16:39 8/08/2006, Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
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> anyway I still find it regrettable that multiple
> backends are no longer possible since we have our
> users stored in LDAP and the machine-accounts
> on the local PDC.

No offense, but it's too late to bring that up now.  3.0.23
was in development for 6 months.  The original thread on
this was back in February:

This is a systemic problem with this list.  No one seems
to pay any attention until the release is done and over.

off course you're right. but I don't think that one man could change this evolution.
to be honest, I've read it but forgot to reply

> a colleague of mine has some serious issues with
> 3.0.23a, that's why I'm no upgrading yet.
> just for information this is what he sees in his logs:
>  dumping core in /usr/local/samba/var/cores/smbd
>  [2006/08/08 14:16:37, 0] passdb/pdb_get_set.c:pdb_get_group_sid(164)
>    pdb_get_group_sid: Failed to find Unix account for s0163566
>  [2006/08/08 14:16:37, 0] smbd/sec_ctx.c:push_sec_ctx(194)
>    Security context stack overflow!
>  [2006/08/08 14:16:37, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1592)
>    PANIC (pid 27484): Security context stack overflow!
>  [2006/08/08 14:16:37, 0] lib/util.c:log_stack_trace(1699)
>   BACKTRACE: 64 stack frames:
>    #0 /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd(log_stack_trace+0x22) [0x82128c6]
>    #1 /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd(smb_panic+0x6f) [0x8212766]
>    #2 /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd(push_sec_ctx+0x6b) [0x80d49ce]

Is there a bug report on this ?  It won't get fixed if we
don't know about it.  And since 3.0.23b has just been released,
it may not be fixed in that either.

No, it has not been fixed in 3.0.23b. there is no bug report as far as I know.
he downgraded his server (since it was a production server) to an earlier version of samba.



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