Edmundo Valle Neto a écrit :
John H Terpstra escreveu:
On Sunday 01 October 2006 18:45, Hoggins! wrote:
Edmundo Valle Neto a écrit :
Hoggins! escreveu:

Yes, in that case it should maintain a more complete list. And yes you
just must have ONE WINS server.
I think you didnt got the point, domain master, local master, domain
controllers, wins server, etc are just roles of the same server,
enabling some options in smb.conf the same server can be all of them at
the same time.
BUT, other subnets need local master browsers too, they can be any
Windows workstation (normally you should not worry about that), this is
one of the reasons that all of them must use the same single WINS server
(I am not saying that yours are not), the LMB can be any available
workstation (the machines in the subnet should elect one automatically),
so any machine ending up beeing a LMB will use the  same WINS server to
find the DMB and sync. It works that way without you needing to care
about it.

Ok, if the wireless clients can see each others probably that segment
has an LMB with the browse list of that segment but just isnt passing it
to the samba server.
About the LMBs I just said that to make it clear, that the other
networks dont register themselves directly with samba to be included in
the browse.dat file, who does that is the LMB of that segment (as
explained before).
Thanks, I understand better now how it works.
So the LMB (any Win machine, elected) of the segment must
send its browse list to the server, right ? I must check this traffic
with ethereal and/or with debug level 2. Sorry I didn't yet.

Not quite!
The LMB does nothing to contact the DMB. The responsibility for browse list synchronization belongs to the DMB.

The DMB looks for the LMB registrations in the WINS (wins.dat) database. It then contacts each LMB to synchronise the browse list.

Ergo, if the WINS database does not contain all machines that are LMBs - browse list synchronization will not happen.

- John T.


Look at this at: http://samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/NetworkBrowsing.html

How Browsing Functions

Instead, the DMB serves the role of contacting each LMB (found by asking WINS or from LMHOSTS) and exchanging browse list contents.

This is what you said.


Cross-Subnet Browsing

As soon as N2_B has become the LMB, it looks for a DMB with which to synchronize its browse list. It does this by querying the WINS server (N2_D) for the IP address associated with the NetBIOS name WORKGROUP<1B>. This name was registered by the DMB (N1_C) with the WINS server as soon as it was started.

Once N2_B knows the address of the DMB, it tells it that is the LMB for subnet 2 by sending a MasterAnnouncement packet as a UDP port 138 packet. It then synchronizes with it by doing a NetServerEnum2 call. This tells the DMB to send it all the server names it knows about. Once the DMB receives the MasterAnnouncement packet, it schedules a synchronization request to the sender of that packet. After both synchronizations are complete, the browse lists look like those in Browse Subnet Example 2

And thats the another explanation that I said.

Shouldnt that last explanation be different?


Edmundo Valle Neto

Wow ! looks like we have an experts battle ! Thanks a lot, guys ! All these explanations are helpful.
That's what I understood about the LMB/DMB synchronisation.

But as you all say, it looks like my smb.conf is correct, but the client machines don't work correctly.

My DHCP options look fine, here's what they say about NetBIOS :

        option netbios-name-servers;
        option netbios-node-type 8;

The last option (netbios-node-type) is 8 by default if not specified, but I set it anyway.

I really don't understant where the problem is, but I'm not giving up now.

Thanks for the HOWTO pages, I had taken a look at them, but my main reproach is that they don't give configuration directives that correspond to what they say. I would have expected it as a HOWTO. Maybe I don't know enough to use em.


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