Here are more findings,

The problem is repeatable upon a fresh restart on the CentOS 4 machine with samba 3.0.23c for new files as follows:

1. Craig creates a new excel file and saves it as Test.xls

2. Andrea opens the file, make modifications to it and hits save. Now she gets 
an error message:
The Document was saved succesfully, but Excel cannot re-open it because of a 
sharing violation.
Please close the document and try to open it again.

3. Now someone has to right click on the document, remove the read-only attribute and then both Craig or Andrea will be able to save any changes to the file without issue.

4. Another user, Lorne, opens the file, makes changes, then saves and the problem comes back. However after saving and clearing the read-only box now the 3 current users either owning the file or listed in the ACLS will be able to modify the file without further problems until a new user that does not own the file, nor is listed in the extended ACLs opens the file (even while he is part of the "P3 Admin" group tha already has rw permissions).

The folder permissions are shown below and all the users are part of the group 
that owns the folder:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Admin]# ls -ld .
drwxrws---+ 20 administrator P3 Admin 8192 Oct 31 10:52 .

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Admin]# getfacl .
# file: .
# owner: administrator
# group: P3\040Admin

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Admin]# getfacl Project\ Schedule\ Overview\ 11-06-06.xls
# file: Project\040Schedule\040Overview\04011-06-06.xls
# owner: abeck
# group: P3\040Admin

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Admin]# ls -l Project\ Schedule\ Overview\ 11-06-06.xls
-rw-rwx---+ 1 abeck P3 Admin 177152 Oct 31 10:52 Project Schedule Overview 

All the users are part of the "P3 Admin" group.


Roland Hordos wrote:
Is your problem repeatable, for all users, and even on a fresh smb
restart?  For me it is not and this is the trickiest part of tracing
this bug.

I am desperately trying to resolve this as well.  Have not received any
replies from this board whatsoever.  Currently re-visiting every
parameter and samba default setting change across releases.  Good luck
and please post any results.

thanks, Roland;

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Diego Julian Remolina
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 10:50 AM
Subject: [Samba] Excel Read only file bug back on 3.0.23x?


I believe that the BUG 2346 which was resolved in samba 3.0.14 has come
back in the 3.0.23 series. Here is what I have noticed on two separate configurations. The samba packages were built on each machine using rpmbuild with the SRPMS provided for Fedora in the samba
web site.

Configuration 1.
Two machines running with RHEL4, samba 3.0.23b-1, drbd-0.7.21 protocol
Kernel: 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp

Configuration 2.
Two machines running with CentOS 4, samba 3.0.23c-4, drbd-0.7.21
protocol C.
Kernel: 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp

I do not believe none of this is related to DRBD, but I mention it just
in case. The problem occurs as follows:

1. User Alice opens an excel files owned by her, makes changes and saves
2. User Bob opens the same file which Alice just saved and makes come
changes. When Bob saves the file, he gets a warning that there is a problem and that changes could not be saved, however changes are saved.
3. Either Alice or Bob try to open the file and now it is a read only

The only way anyone can save the file is if they first right click on it
and uncheck the read-only checkbos prior to openning. However, the next time a different user opens the file and saves it, the problem comes back.

Are there any settings that can be changed in smb.conf to help prevent
this front happening? Is anyone else experiencing this behaviour? Is it possible that the BUG
2346 came back?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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