I'm a System Administrator of a little bank in Catalonia(Spain). 
I visit your web ( http://www.samba.org) to look for information about a 
problem with shared resources between hosts.
Our problem is:
    We want to share directories of the "production hosts" into the "developer 
    The hosts are HPUX 11.11, and we have the version A.02.01 of the CIFS 
Client, and A.02.01.01 for the Server.
    We have directories in Production hosts with 'root' user, and we want to do 
that other users(not Administrators/root) in the "developer hosts" could see 
the content of this directories, only for reading.
Also, we want to restrict by group (unix) the acces to this mount points in the 
developer hosts
The problem is that in the production hosts not exists the users/groups of the 
developer hosts.

A practical example:

 Client Host (developers)
  group1: user1, user2, user3
  group2: user5, user 6, user1
  /Mountpoint1/ is a mount point of the shared_dir1 => only visible/accessible 
for the users of group1 
  /Mountpoint2/ is a mount point of the shared_dir2 => only visible/accessible 
for the users of group2.

 Server Host (Production)
  admin1: /Shared_dir1
  admin2: /Shared_dir2

Could you send us the basics steps to resolve our problem?

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