Showing the group of a folder/file in a mounted samba share under XP(SP2)/2003R2-Server need some seconds. Only the SID of the group and the owner is shown initaly

This problem occurs not on a mounted share from a Windows-Server.

'getent group' on the Samba machine (via nss-ldap from 2003-AD) works perfect.

I've no idea, where should I search. Can anybody please help?


system environment:
-affectes clients: XP(SP2) + Appl. Servers (2003R2)
-Domain: 2x 2003R2 domain controllers with direct GID+UID administration (former SFU), AD in 2003-mode (nested grous) -Samba-Server: Debian (failover cluster), Samba 3.0.22-1, UID+GID via nss-ldap, auth. via pam-krb5


       workgroup = XX
       realm = XX.VKW.YYYYY.DE
       netbios name = SMB
       server string = SMB - FILE SERVER
       interfaces = eth2:0
       bind interfaces only = Yes
       security = ADS
       log level = 2
       syslog = 0
       log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
       max log size = 1000
       load printers = yes
       printcap name = cups
#       cups server = AA.BB.YYYYY.DE
       preferred master = No
       local master = No
       ldap ssl = no
       admin users = Administrator, root
       hosts allow = xx.yy.zz., xx.zz.qq., 192.168.1., 10.0.0.,
       printing = cups
       print command =
       lpq command = %p
       lprm command =
       hide files = /desktop.ini/
       csc policy = disable
#       oplocks = No
       map to guest = Bad Uid
       client use spnego = no

       comment = all printers
       path = /var/spool/samba
       read only = No
       guest ok = Yes
       printable = Yes
       browseable = No
#       browseable = Yes
       public = Yes
#       writeable = No
       writeable = Yes

       comment = printer drivers
       path = /etc/samba/drivers
       write list = root, Administrator, kolbe, @vwi-admins
       writeable = Yes
#       read only = Yes
       guest ok = Yes
       browseable = yes
       guest ok = yes

       comment = home directories all users (700)
       path = /home
       read only = No
       create mask = 0700
       directory mask = 0711
       root preexec = /etc/samba/scripts/mk_samba_homedir -h "%u" "%g"

       comment = home directories all users vwitme (700)
       path = /mnt/cluster/d220/sdd/sdd1/data/home/vwitme
       read only = No
       create mask = 0700
       directory mask = 0711
       profile acls = Yes
       root preexec = /etc/samba/scripts/mk_samba_homedir -h "%u" "%g"


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