
Im not an expert about how the netbios name service works, but what your log is saying is that SMB1 made a query back to SMB2 at to allow it to register its name and SMB2 doesnt answered properly (its a multi-homed host, and as in "Inplementing CIFS" Book, I think that it should answer with all IPs allowed to register its name). I don't know how to solve that, and I think that whould help if you post your network addressing on both sides to be more clear, take a look at wins.dat file and see if SMB2 is registered with any other IP too.

About the other error:
Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]: process_name_refresh_request: unicast name registration request received for name DELL_7<20> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET. Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]: [2006/11/23 07:03:48, 0] nmbd/nmbd_incomingrequests.c:process_name_refresh_request(173)
Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]:   Error - should be sent to WINS server

It says that it received a unicast packet (if I remember right, unicast packets are meant to be sent to WINS servers only), and its just saying that. Probably "wins proxy" option redirects only broadcasts to the remote WINS server it will not make SMB2 to be a WINS server too (so point to SMB2 as being a WINS server is wrong, or you point to SMB1 directly or let the client register itself in SMB2 by broadcast).

Anyone corrects me if im wrong :)

I never used it too and dont know how well it works, but maybe you would like to take a look at the Samba4WINS project, to replicate WINS servers.


Edmundo Valle Neto

Noc Phibee escreveu:
No other solution ?

Noc Phibee a écrit :

i have a smaal problems ... :

I have two samba server connected by a VPN.

One, are the master, the config are:

  workgroup = LOCAL
  netbios name = SMB1
  server string = Linux Smb Server 1
  os level = 33
  log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
  max log size = 500
  log level = 3
  map to guest = bad user
  security = user
  encrypt passwords = yes
  smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
  socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
  local master = no
  domain master = no
  dns proxy = no
  wins support = yes
  unix password sync=yes
hosts allow = 192.168.0. 192.168.75. 192.160.150. 192.168.151. 192.168.3. 127.

into the log i have:

[2006/11/23 07:01:50, 3] nmbd/nmbd_winsserver.c:wins_multihomed_register_query_fail(1097) wins_multihomed_register_query_fail: Registering machine at IP failed to answer query successfully for name SMB2<03>.

The second server are:
  workgroup = LOCAL
  netbios name = SMB2
  server string = Linux Smb Server 2
  os level = 33
  log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
  max log size = 500
  log level = 3
  map to guest = bad user
  security = user
  encrypt passwords = yes
  smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
  socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
  local master = no
  domain master = no
  dns proxy = yes
  wins support = no
  wins server =
  wins proxy = yes
  unix password sync=yes are the ip of the first server ....
my computer, on the network of Smb2 have in wins server the SMB2

into the log of smb2 i have:

Nov 23 07:01:50 gw nmbd[3768]: register_name_response: WINS server at IP rejected our name registration of SMB2<20> IP with error code 5. Nov 23 07:01:50 gw nmbd[3768]: [2006/11/23 07:01:50, 0] nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:standard_fail_register(283) Nov 23 07:01:50 gw nmbd[3768]: standard_fail_register: Failed to register/refresh name SMB2<20> on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET Nov 23 07:01:50 gw nmbd[3768]: [2006/11/23 07:01:50, 0] nmbd/nmbd_nameregister.c:register_name_response(130) Nov 23 07:01:50 gw nmbd[3768]: register_name_response: WINS server at IP rejected our name registration of SMB2<03> IP with error code 5. Nov 23 07:01:50 gw nmbd[3768]: [2006/11/23 07:01:50, 0] nmbd/nmbd_namelistdb.c:standard_fail_register(283) Nov 23 07:01:50 gw nmbd[3768]: standard_fail_register: Failed to register/refresh name SMB2<03> on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET Nov 23 07:01:50 gw nmbd[3768]: [2006/11/23 07:01:50, 0] nmbd/nmbd_nameregister.c:register_name_response(130)

and for all user:
Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]: [2006/11/23 07:03:48, 0] nmbd/nmbd_incomingrequests.c:process_name_refresh_request(173)
Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]:   Error - should be sent to WINS server
Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]: [2006/11/23 07:03:48, 0] nmbd/nmbd_incomingrequests.c:process_name_refresh_request(172) Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]: process_name_refresh_request: unicast name registration request received for name DELL_7<20> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET. Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]: [2006/11/23 07:03:48, 0] nmbd/nmbd_incomingrequests.c:process_name_refresh_request(173)
Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]:   Error - should be sent to WINS server
Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]: [2006/11/23 07:03:48, 0] nmbd/nmbd_incomingrequests.c:process_name_refresh_request(172) Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]: process_name_refresh_request: unicast name registration request received for name DELL_7<03> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET. Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]: [2006/11/23 07:03:48, 0] nmbd/nmbd_incomingrequests.c:process_name_refresh_request(173)
Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]:   Error - should be sent to WINS server
Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]: [2006/11/23 07:03:48, 0] nmbd/nmbd_incomingrequests.c:process_name_refresh_request(172) Nov 23 07:03:48 gw nmbd[3768]: process_name_refresh_request: unicast name registration request received for name LOCAL<00> from IP on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET.

where is my error ?


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